
Zodiac Signs and Meanings - Aquarius


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Category: Sign /Daily /Weekly /Love /Money /Family /Personality /2025

Libras are often referred to as the most suitable partners for a relationship of two people, while Aquarius is the basic building block of the society. People of this sign represent social discourse, the process of expressing the social status and the energy used for that.
The mission of Aquarius is to guarantee sufficient response to social needs. People of this sign are traditionally associated with science, geniality, art, but also politics, revolutions and humanity.

Period of Aquarius (70 - 77 years)
The remarkable ideas of this sign are considered senile ravings – the man is too distant from the reality and is too exhausted to try to explain how things are again and again.

Aquarius 21 January – 1 February - under the influence of Venus
They are shy, gentle, melancholic, tender in love

Aquarius 2 February – 12 February - under the influence of Mercury
They are clever, sensible, moral, ambitious, they have a sense of humour

Aquarius 12 February – 20 February - under the influence of the Moon
They are introvert, humble, sensitive, truthful, incorruptible and pleasant

Element : Air
Dynamics : fixed
Ruler : Saturn a Uranium
Sign: airy, cold
Nature: sanquinic
Lucky years: 21-26, 40-45
Compatible with: Gemini, Libra
Correlated colour: grey
Correlated metal: lead
Inferior part of the body: shanks, arteries, ankles
Sign stone: aquamarine, chrysocolla, jasper, obsidian, topaz, turqouise, opal, fluoride, sapphire, sodalite
Lucky numbers: 3, 9, 15, 45
Lucky day: Saturday
Lucky flower: fern
Spiritual protector: Demeter
Pleasant scent: poppy

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Anonym Eric ( magizzle ar... / (30.11.22)
In these horoscopes, you see the Illuminati right in ur hands, some people need help with problems, that’s why I think magizzle is for u and others to support, to comfort and to love, all of those beginnings have beautiful memories with a star , that’s why we are here for u. Xoxo, Eric “a family that stays connected”

Anonym Lopal berrys / (23.11.22)
Cancer, it’s time to think of a plan before it gets serious.

Anonym Popper quartz&#129... / (19.11.22)
Dear Aquarius, today you”ll be lucky for the next 2:56 timers, meaning you”ll have space for yourself. “Missy like a bird”

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