
Zodiac Signs and Meanings - Capricorn


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Category: Sign /Daily /Weekly /Love /Money /Family /Personality /2025

Capricorn represents the principal of the social function – the process of achieving a social status and energy used for collective social purposes. Capricorn accepts present-day social order, its rules and principals.
The mission of Capricorn is a social integration. Capricorns are traditionally associated with status, politics, trust in society, ambitions to integrate into the society.

Period of Capricorn (63 - 70 years)

Capricorn December 22 – January 1 - under the influence of Jupiter
They are calm, prudent, systematic, they achieve a high social status and success – sometimes with the risk of failure.

Capricorn 1 January – 13 January - under the influence of Mars
They make a very boring stay-at-home impression, they are known to have a bad influence on their surroundings

Capricorn 14 January . 20 January - under the influence of the Sun
They are hardworking, passionate, ambiguous, they have a stamina

Element : Earth
Dynamics : cardinal
Ruler : Saturn
Sign: earthly, cold and dry
Nature: melancholic
Lucky years: 33-46
Compatible with: Taurus, Scorpio
Correlated colour: black
Correlated metal: lead
Inferior part of the body: knees, bones, skin
Sign stone: jasper, adular, crystal, obsidian, amethyst, tourmaline, ruby, agate
Lucky numbers: 3, 9, 15, 45
Lucky day: Saturday
Lucky flower: fern
Spiritual protector: Aphrodite
Pleasant scent: poppy

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Anonym Eric ( magizzle ar... / (30.11.22)
In these horoscopes, you see the Illuminati right in ur hands, some people need help with problems, that’s why I think magizzle is for u and others to support, to comfort and to love, all of those beginnings have beautiful memories with a star , that’s why we are here for u. Xoxo, Eric “a family that stays connected”

Anonym Lopal berrys / (23.11.22)
Cancer, it’s time to think of a plan before it gets serious.

Anonym Popper quartz&#129... / (19.11.22)
Dear Aquarius, today you”ll be lucky for the next 2:56 timers, meaning you”ll have space for yourself. “Missy like a bird”

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