This interpretation chooses only the most important days of the week. For a daily horoscope click here.
Monday, TuesdayThis is an ideal day for social events. Go to the launch ceremony of a written rubbish – nobody will want you to read it but you will at least have a drink or two there and you will probably pick up a lonely desperate man/woman. Then you can read the rubbish in two.
Wednesday - FridayLetters, phonecalls, correspondence, gifts and other issues of this kind will examine you thorouhly. A perfect accuracy is essential. A certain relationship will arise but it will only be temporary. You will find this period pretty short.
Saturday, SundayYou may expect a commutatively unruly day. Do not let the magic unpredictability of your loved ones trick you. Do not look for their secrets. Newly established comnnections will probably not last long.