Magic table "Pyramid of Venus" is compiled to predict love and friendship.
The principle of such tables consists in randomly choosing a number. The selection itself often takes place by throwing coins or stones. Choose any number and the pyramid will tell you something from your future love life.
Anonym / (04.06.23)
Stop callin significant others "partners.&quo... Love is not a business.
Anonym Sandy / (11.05.23)
I have to wait!? Come on!
Anonym / (25.01.23)
does he love me?
Anonym Binti / (04.06.22)
I need to know my present and features relationships.
Anonym Mackenzie Miller / (01.06.22)
I will a lover at a LGBTQ+ parade
Anonym / (31.07.21)
When will I find my the one
Anonym / (17.03.21)
When will I found my the one?
Anonym Rttr / (07.10.20)
Does he still loves me?
Anonym / (02.08.20)
Is my husband my soul mate?