Rune reading
Runes were carved on various things and they were said to have magical powers. The future was predicted using them and they were also used to invoke powers that could influence the fortune and the destiny of a person.
We offer you an on-line prophecy using the runes.
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Runes originate from the Northern part of Europe that, a long time ago, used to be inhabited by the Vikings who used to live in a close contact with the land and its mysterious powers.
Vikings used to have their own system of religion and mythology that contained a number of deities. God Thor´s father, Odin, was the creator of runes and he belongs among the most important figures of the Viking folk traditions.
One day, Odin hung himself up-side-down from a branch of a tree to become wiser and to acquire knowledge of the real laws of the world. Before he climbed down he became aware of the new system called Runes. These symbols were used by the high priesthood not only for writing but also for magic purposes.
There were runes that influenced the weather, crop, they had the power to get rid of enchantment or, on the contrary, to bring it, they had the power to influence health or interpersonal relationships.
Tato runa je však ze všech run nejblíže k vaší nynìjší situaci:
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Discuss the topic Runes:Anonym Mee / (28.02.24)
Dear Retna,
I felt moved by your situation and hope you get this message or have already got help.
If this man makes you miserable leave him. if you have moved to US or UK there are services specifically to help you. Other European countries also have services aimed at helping women trapped in abusive marriages. Go talk to someone working at one of these services. Get advise and help you do not have to stay in this situation. There are people who can help you. you are not alone.
Anonym jaade / (04.07.23)
i need help to figure out if my bf acc likes me and if we are gonna stay together
Anonym Retna / (09.02.23)
I don't know if I still have hope in our married for almost 20 years,I had sacrificed everything from my country to leave with him.I left my family,my career,my culture for someone that I thought to be my soulmate.I married an arrogant, selfish & dictator man. God help me with this problem, can I solve & save our marriage 🥲
Anonym / (13.12.22)
I feel like I've lost everything because I loved a man that doesn't want to settle down. I feel as if he never loved me at all. I've wasted five and a half years of my life with him. I'm so alone. Love never find the ones like me.
Anonym Mee / (07.05.22)
I am so lonely. I lost everyone in my life and now I can't escape the misery and loneliness. I want to move on with new circumstances. I feel trapped in hell.
Lady love skirts / (09.04.20)
Um what about that man at the RF. Who they said stay away from him. Hmmm I cried I’m thinking it’s you who well God knows and I think you know it too.
Anonymous / (03.04.20)
The runes said I need to learn to control my emotions. But hey it's not my fault i had to leave my BF and move i get REEEEEEALLLY sensitive about it like one tie someone said boyfriend an i cried, So Lance If your out there, I still love to the moon and i want you back .
Night thoughts / (15.01.20)
I’m incredibly lonely without you. It is not enough to be with you that one time. I miss you. I love you. Xxxooo
Night thoughts / (15.01.20)
Woe the tune of my Viking ghost. My eternal love. My life for always and ever I miss him I wish I could feel his hug
Help help / (15.01.20)
I forgot to mention hair help also does occult help with these experiences it’s very important
Help help / (15.01.20)
I cannot find my clothes and bras i trying to use occult messages to help me please someone I need help
Hugh / (15.01.20)
Lover come over. I’m tired
Life / (07.01.20)
The runes said I will lose my life and I feel that is true. I’m done I quit caring I feel and hope I’m dying I don’t care to live in this society I haven’t seen good in people
Anonymous / (17.12.19)
Dede further more leave me alone. I use to be happy until you entered my life now I’m decidedly unhappy I’d rather be dead than with you in my life
Dede / (17.12.19)
I never wanted this so called spirituality that rude man forced himself and his spirituality on me on in a rude way. Their will never be a conciliation with him I’d rather be a whore than with him his personality is way ugly and uncaring.
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