Anonym / (18.12.23)
does my boyfriend truly love me
Anonym dddsd / (27.10.23)
Should I rekindle our relationship
Anonym Xar / (18.09.23)
does my boyfriend love me as much as i love him?
Anonym Sandy Afton / (25.08.23)
Magician + Moon:
spiritual state in danger, instability, emotions
Cha... + Magician:
a development, a journey, overcoming the obstacles
Chariot + Moon:
instabilit... an inspiration
Does that mean Gerald likes me back?...
Anonym Linda / (02.05.23)
Will my Husband come back to me.
Anonym No name / (30.05.22)
Dos. My. Sheep. Still. Love. Me baaaa ????
Anonym anonym broken / (03.05.22)
does my long term relationship still work????
Anonym Sonia / (27.04.22)
Does my ex boyfriend still love me??
Anonym austyn smith / (04.03.22)
now I got (Page of Pentacles + Sun:
ignorance, slow-wittedness, arrogance
Ace of Pentacles + Sun:
ignorance, slow-wittedness, arrogance
Mo... + Sun:
an understanding, a cooperation, an ideal couple)
Anonym austyn smith / (04.03.22)
I got and I was thinking of if my boyfriend breaking-up with me Hierophant + Moon:
an instability, creative fantasy
Hier... + Magician:
inspir... spiritual protection, passing on one´s experience
M... + Moon:
spiritual state in danger, instability, emotions
Anonym lizzy / (21.01.22)
no they do'nt love you move on
Anonym / (11.01.22)
What does Abhishek think about me?
Shows only the first 15 records.